Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?

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Two girls that went to the same college were matched together as roommates. Kate was a socialite who loved to go out to parties and loved guys even more, Jen was a shying wallflower who kept to her studies and had a small group of friends.

The two got along most of the time but they didn't see eye to eye when it came to visitors staying over in their room. That night, there was a dorm party on the floor above that they had been invited to. Jen had quickly made her excuses to not go whilst Kate, never one to miss out on a good party, had been planning her outfit since they'd been invited.

After the last classes of the day, both girls were in the room. Kate had music playing as she was getting ready for the party and Jen was in her books, studying. A rapid knock on the door alerted them both, almost as soon as the knocking had stopped the door burst open and a group of girls fell in the room laughing. Kate's friends had come round to get ready as a group.

Rolling her eyes, Jen picked up her books and declared that she was retreating to the library to continue her studies. Jen sat herself in her favourite comfy chair in the library and began reading her books. Students came and went throughout the night and when she finally closed her books it was close to 2am. Shocked that the time had passed so quickly, she gathered her things and began walking back to her room. 

As she approached her room door she could hear people inside, sighing, she opened the door and left the light off.  She'd gotten an eyeful on plenty of occasions when she'd interrupted Kate and her 'date' getting amorous in bed. "Nice to know you enjoyed yourself" Jen said. The motions stopped briefly and then carried on again, annoyed that her room mate was ignoring her she changed into her pyjamas and climbed into bed. With the noises carrying on she turned on her MP3 player and turned the volume up loud. Quickly, she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke to find her MP3 player tangled on her pillow. Picking it up to unravel it, she turned over to scold Kate for her amorous actions the night before. As she turned over she dropped her music player and screamed. Kate was lying in a pool of blood with her sheets over the floor. On the wall, written in blood were the words "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?"

Flickr lalalaBRE title: Dorm

Humans can lick too...

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A 13 year old girl was left home alone one night when her parents went out for a meal with friends. The parents thought that she was too old for a babysitter so they decided she could stay home alone as long as she locked all the windows and doors as soon as they left. Usually she would have objected to being left alone, however her parents had bought her a beautiful German Shepherd dog just weeks before. The reason for such a gift was because the girl had been suffering from nightmares for years, having the dog sleeping in her bedroom helped her feel at ease. 
When her parents left, she went around the house making sure that all of the windows and doors were locked, as per her orders. She found that the basement window would not lock, so she locked the door leading into the house instead and thought nothing more about it. 
The time was 8pm and she was to go to bed at 10pm, this was enough time to watch a film so she put on one of her favourites and settled down to watch it. The dog came and lay by her feet for the length of the film. 
Feeling happy that she'd coped well with being alone at night, she decided she better head up to bed. Turning off all of the the lights on her way upstairs she saw nothing unusual in her home. Once upstairs she brushed her teeth and changed into her nightwear. She snuggled under her duvet and dropped her hand to the floor to feel for her dog. Sure enough he assured her of his presence with a loving lick, she smiled and drifted to sleep.
In the midst of the night she was woken by a dripping sound, rolling her eyes she assumed she hadn't turned the tap off properly in the bathroom. Trying to ignore it, she felt for the dog and received the lick that she was used to receiving and fell back to sleep. Only about half an hour later she woke again to the dripping and annoyed that it kept waking her she slumped to the bathroom to turn the tap off properly. Leaving the light off in order to not blind her eyes that were still half asleep, she tightened the tap and returned to her room. Feeling for her dog, she was greeted by the usual lick.
Tremendously tired, she fell back to sleep and didn't wake until her parents returned home. The lights from the car shone through her bedroom window and she was pleased that they were home. One thing shocked her though, the dripping sound was still relentlessly going. Worried that perhaps the tap had broken, she walked to the bathroom to investigate fully. She turned on the light and her scream pierced the silence.
Her parents ran up the stairs to investigate her troubled scream and they just stood staring into the bathroom. There was their beautiful dog, skinned and hanging in the shower. It's blood dripping to the floor. On the mirror was the words "Humans can lick too, my dear"...